I was born Türk, assimilated on paper.
I have one knee on each culture, the forehead on my faith.
I was born Belgian with a dual identity.
I am the lost descent.
I am the European, un-naturalised by my peers.
I have the Earth as pavement.
I am the nasty face.
I know where I come from.
I am the one who sees their threats coming.
I know how to fight.
I am the father of two destinies.
I wish my daughters inhale the dry mountains.
I am the young boy with a few words.
I am ready to get dressed with my white shroud.
I am a child of Anatolia.
I can't leave my Brothers with an empty hole on my soil.
I am the guardian of my offshoots.
I can't leave my angels with an empty hole on their soil.
I am the last one.
I am the dead body,
Which ground will rot my flesh?